When the dialogue box appears, choose a radius of about 6.5. DesignPH is a plugin for SketchUp, which provides a 3D interface for the Passivhaus. At the top, select FILTER>BLUR>GAUSSIAN BLUR. Right click on the background layer (Click in the space next to name of the layer) and choose Duplicate Layer. entities model.entities layers model.layers materials model. Begin by opening the first image (Sketchup export with only line work, no shadows) in Photoshop.

activemodel grab other handles to commonly used collections inside the model. New nodes include: layered material, diffuse layer, specular layer, sheen layer, metallic layer, and layer group nodes. That is why when you use this mode you no longer see any of your black, because its a zero-value color. grab a handle to the currently active model (aka the one the user is looking at in sketchup.) model sketchup. Remember the upper part of the list represents the Skalp Patterns you have added to the model before, the lower part represents all Sketchup textures/colors. Therefore, pure black (0) + pure white (255) = Pure white (255), Mid grey (125) + Mid grey (125) = White (250) and so on. So adding pure black adds 0 whilst adding pure white adds 255. We know that for example Pure White is 255 and Pure Black is 0. Now I’d like to show you a few ways to leverage layers to show some different things in your models. It adds the color information of the pixels to each other. Note: I should explain a little bit what linear Dodge (Add) blending mode does. One of the main benefits of having a composite like this is that, for example, on this reflection layer you can paint/paste in any reflection you want to appear in the windows. So, enable visibility for your Reflection Layer and set it's blending mode to Linear Dodge (Add) and see the difference. At this point things look much better, but you may be asking yourself - why is my glass black? Well, most of the glass information in the final render is contained in the reflection and refraction passes, and we havent composed them just yet.